27 October 2008 - 28 Tishri 5769 - כ"ח תשרי ה' אלפים תשס"ט
Home Art & Culture Israel's modern 'Antigone' takes to stage in Taiwan
Israel's modern 'Antigone' takes to stage in Taiwan Print

Recently a contemporary version of Sophocles’ Antigone was performed as part of the International Theatre Festival at the National Theatre of the Chiang Kai Shek Cultural Centre in Taiwan.

This joint production of Israel’s Habima National Theatre and Cameri Tel-Aviv Municipal Theatre has already earned great acclaim in Israel and amongst international audiences as well.

Hanan Snir, the production’s director, masters a modern-Hebrew translation of the Greek tragedy. Chinese subtitles will incorporated into this production.

The Habima National Theatre and the Cameri Theatre are two of Israel’s fi nest companies. The inititial collaboration was in part prompted by a massive renovation project involving the Habima Theatre that has resulted in its two year shutdown.


(Issue June 2008) 

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