14 May 2008 - 9 Iyyar 5768 - ט' אייר ה' אלפים תשס"ח
Arrests of militants plotting attacks on embassies in Manila Print

Two Arab militants were arrested in the Philippines for alleged involvement in attempting to coordinate attacks on the embassies of Israel, the US, Australia and the UK in Manila.

The two men were picked up in raids on the island of Mindanao after weeks of surveillance.

The men were brought to Manila for further questioning  and it was reported that documents detailing bombing threats to the embassies were also recovered in the raid.

It was also reported that a third suspect was later rrested in the weeks following the raid for involvement in plots to not only bomb the embassies but also to assassinate President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

Numerous documents were confiscated in conjunction with the arrests. The foreign embassies are monitoring the situation carefully and are on high alert for potential threats.

(Issue April 2008)