13 September 2019 - 14 Elul 5779 - י"ד אלול ה' אלפים תשע"ט
Strong turnout for GoforIsrael conference in China E-mail

Firms in the fields of biotech, water tech, environmental tech, IT, and energy headed to the Chinese city of Jinan for the annual GoforIsrael conference in May. It was organised by the Cukierman & Co Investment House (a leading Israeli investment company), and the Catalyst CEL Fund (a private Israeli equity firm).

Organisers claim that 108 Israeli companies participated in the event, including pharmaceutical company Raziel Therapeutics, cervical cancer-detecting sensor firm MobileODT, green pest control company Biofeed, and 3D printing company Xjet.

GoforIsrael (previously known as GoforEurope) has been one of the most influential business conferences held between Israel and China annually. The Conference addresses current issues in fundraising, and establishes strategic alliances globally between Israeli companies, businesses, and financial institutions. Around 1,400 participants, over 1000 Chinese investors and around 100 of the most innovative Israeli technology companies, gathered for the occasion.

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