20 September 2015 - 7 Tishri 5776 - ז' תשרי ה' אלפים תשע"ו

Israeli Minister of Economy Naftali Bennett launched the flagship ‘Water City’ project in China on 25 November, announcing that the city of Shougang in Shandong province would be the focus of Israel’s water-related activities in the country.

The announcement was made in the presence of Chinese municipal officials during Minister Bennett’s current visit to China. The minister was in China to head a business delegation with representatives of 15 Israeli companies seeking opportunities for Israeli water technologies.

Israel is considered a leading industry player in water technologies and the ‘Water City’ initiative is a first-of-itskind enterprise supported by the joint Israel-China Mission entrusted with advancing bilateral economic ties.

The minister’s visit is the high point of an ongoing process led by the Israeli Ministry of Economy through its trade attachés in China. The attachés are working with Chinese authorities to advance Israeli companies and incorporate Israeli technology in the country’s massive water system.

China faces many challenges including rapid population growth and widespread contamination of the country’s water resources. Beijing is therefore “thirsty” for Israeli solutions.

Israeli water technologies will be implemented in the project in Shougang for commercial use, which will showcase solutions offered by Israeli companies in real-world conditions in an effort to persuade Chinese authorities to adopt these solutions in other Chinese cities. The city of Shougang will enjoy technologies offered in the fields of desalination, sewage management, irrigation, reuse of water for agricultural purposes and water supply maintenance.

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