7 June 2008 - 4 Sivan 5768 - ד' סיון ה' אלפים תשס"ח
Home Regional News Philippines Roxas recognised for role in Israel independence
Philippines Roxas recognised for role in Israel independence Print

In a recent ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of the death of the late President of the Phillipines, Manuel Acuña Roxas, his role in the recognition of the State of Israel was highlighted.

Roxas died of a heart attack on 15 April 1948 just one month before Israel’s declaration of Independence on 18 May 1948. Israel Ambassador to the Philippines, Zvi Vapni, spoke at a wreath laying ceremony commemorating the late president and acknowledged his role in the recognition of the State of Israel.

Roxas made history when he instructed then Secretary Carlos P. Romulo, the Philippines’ representative to the United Nations, to cast the tie breaking vote in favour of the independence of Israel.

Capiz Governor, Victor Tanco Sr., had invited the Israeli ambassador as a guest to the celebration of the 107th Founding Anniversary of Capiz where President Roxas became governor at the age of 27. Roxas was honoured at that event as well.


(Issue May 2008)

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