Israeli institutions hold Islamic bonds |
Israeli institutional investors hold shares in securities listed on Arab stock exchanges, including Islamic Sukuk bonds, according to the website, which tracks assets held by Israeli pension funds and other institutions.
Among the biggest holdings is Saudi Electricity Global Sukuk Company, a unit of the Saudi Electric Company that issues Islamic bonds. Israelis hold 14.7 million Israeli shekels (US$3.8 million) of the debt.
Israeli institutions hold an additional 3 million Israeli shekels in Sukuk bonds in the United Arab Emirates bank Emirates NBD. More are held in the Islamic Development Bank, a multistate institution that includes Saudi Arabia and Libya as shareholders.
Israeli institutions hold 1.2 million Israeli shekels of bonds in the National Bank of Abu Dhabi and an unspecified amount in Malaysia’s Wakala Global Sukuk.
(Issue July/August 2015)