14 April 2016 - 6 Nisan 5776 - ו' ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ו
HKJMA at International Diamond Week in Israel E-mail

A delegation of diamond buyers organised by the Hong Kong Jewellers Manufacturers’ Association (HKJMA) and led by the association’s Chairman, Adam Lau, attended the winter edition of the International Diamond Week in Israel, which was held on the trading floor of the Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE) from 14 to 18 February.

“We welcome the opportunity given to our members to take part in this unique diamond marketing platform,” said HKJMA President Lau. “Hong Kong’s jewellery-manufacturing business community has a long-standing relationship with Israel’s diamond industry and our members regularly trade with a myriad of Israel Diamond Exchange members, who are active in Hong Kong and exhibit at the various international trade shows held in Hong Kong,” he added.

“Adam Lau is a long-time friend of our industry and of Israel. I commend him for his efforts in bringing a sizable delegation of Hong Kong diamond buyers to our exchange and congratulate him on his initiative to open up new horizons to his membership,” stated IDE President Yoram Dvash. “Hong Kong is one of the most diverse and multifaceted diamond markets. While the Israel diamond trade’s position in Hong Kong is robust, I am confident that with the delegation’s visit we will be strengthening our successful and fruitful business relationship even further!,” he commented.

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