4 September 2017 - 13 Elul 5777 - י"ג אלול ה' אלפים תשע"ז
Water-technology companies exhibit at Thai Water Expo E-mail

Leading Israeli water-technology companies exhibited in the Israel National Pavilion booth at the Thai Water Expo 2017 in Bangkok from 7 to 10 June.

Since its establishment in 1948, Israel has faced decades of water shortages, and has gained significant experience in developing unique solutions in intelligent water resource management, irrigation and desalination. Israel is now recognised as a world leader in these spheres.

The Israel National Pavilion at the Thai Water Expo showcased Israeli water-technology solutions and innovation, tailored especially for Thailand. The exhibition and conference included a wide range of seminars and events about such topics as water resource management, wastewater treatment and management, sewerage, irrigation and natural treatment systems. One of the seminars was titled “Treating, Managing and Creating Water – Israeli Innovative Solutions”.

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