20 September 2015 - 7 Tishri 5776 - ז' תשרי ה' אלפים תשע"ו
Reflecting our responsibility for trees E-mail

Tu Bishvat falls on 15 Shevat. Although a minor festival, it has a great importance and relevance, reminding us of the importance of trees. With increased awareness in the secular world of the need to preserve and protect nature.

This is something deeply rooted in the Jewish tradition. With each prayer over the seven species we are reminded that we come from a tradition that respects the earth and has been commanded to care for it.

There is a wealth of Judaic scholarship devoted to the relationship between man and earth and the responsibility of Jews to take action to protect nature. This responsibility, on Tu Bishvat, is historically linked to the Land of Israel but is now recognised as a global responsibility.

Modern day observance is commonly marked by communal efforts to plant trees in Israel. Jewish children throughout the world enthusiastically collect money to support the project.

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