24 November 2016 - 23 Heshvan 5777 - כ"ג חשון ה' אלפים תשע"ז
Classic Car Show features Kadoorie's Silver Ghost Print E-mail

The Classic Car Club held its show in Hong Kong. The true star of the show was Michael Kadoorie’s 1912 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost.

This classic car is believed to be only one of fi ve ever built. The hard work of the restoration project clearly paid off.

Michael Kadoorie purchased the car in 1999 and began the massive project then. In the end, the Silver Ghost and Kadoorie went home with trophies that showed the appreciation of all those who had the opportunity to view such a perfect and rare
motor car.


(Issue December 2006 / January 2007) 



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