17 January 2013 - 6 Shevat 5773 - ו' שבט ה' אלפים תשע"ג
Meatless Chopped "Liver" Spread Print E-mail

This recipe was included in a Passover Cookbook but is a good healthy option year-round. It is an opportunity to serve a 'traditional' Jewish favourite with a contemporary twist.

1/2 lb. mushrooms, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
3 Tbsp. oil
1 cup chopped walnuts
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 Tbsp. water

Sauté the mushrooms and onion in the oil for 8 minutes.

Pour into a blender or food processor, adding walnuts, seasonings, and water.

Blend until smooth. Serve on matzo or crackers as a spread.

Makes 1 cup


Source: No Cholesterol Passover Recipes by Debra Wasserman and Charles Stahler

Provided by Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG.org).


(Issue July/August 2008) 

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