4 September 2019 - 4 Elul 5779 - ד' אלול ה' אלפים תשע"ט
Sri Lankan Buddhist temple in Israel E-mail

Sri Lanka’s Embassy in Israel participated in the inauguration of the first ever Sri Lankan Buddhist temple which was established at the premises of a high rise apartment complex in the greater Tel Aviv area.

The Buddhist temple headed by Ven. Karavilakotuwe Dhammathilaka Thero, the chief incumbent will now cater to the spiritual needs of the approximately 7000 Sri Lankan community in Israel.

In keeping with the religious sensitivities in Israel, the inaugural event was carried out on a low scale without much publicity.

Ven. Dhammathilaka Thero and Sarath Wijesinghe, Sri Lanka's Ambassador, jointly oversaw the arrangements to ensure the establishment of the temple which is a historic landmark, the first Sri Lankan Buddhist temple established since diplomatic relations between the countries.

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