22 February 2017 - 27 Shevat 5777 - כ"ז שבט ה' אלפים תשע"ז

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Japan’s new ambassador holds a welcoming reception E-mail

A welcoming reception was hosted by the new Japanese Ambassador to Israel, Shigeo Matsutomi and Mrs. Kaori Matsutomi at the ambassador’s residence.

Over 130 guests attended the event on 18 September. Among the distinguished guests were; Harel Locker, Director General of the Prime Minister’s Office; Shimon Ohayon, member of the Knesset (and member of the IsraelJapan Parliamentary Friendship Group) and Dr. Roni Bornstein, Chairman of the Israel-Japan Friendship Society and Chamber of Commerce.

In his address Ambassador Matsutomi expressed his clear will for strengthening JapanIsrael relations while referring to a visit to Japan by Prime Minister Netanyahu last May.

In addition, Ambassador Matsutomi introduced WAW! Tokyo 2014 (World Assembly for Women in Tokyo), which was held for women’s empowerment, and “Japan Week” in Jerusalem, in October.

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