20 September 2015 - 7 Tishri 5776 - ז' תשרי ה' אלפים תשע"ו
Israel Embassy and Quirino Foundation celebrate “Good Deeds Day” E-mail

Israel’s Embassy in the Philippines, in partnership with the President Elpidio Quirino Foundation, celebrated the “Good Deeds Day” at Quirino High School in Quezon City on 24 March. Israel’s Ambassador to the Philippines, Effie Ben Matityau, noted that the event marked the beginning of the embassy’s partnership with the Quirino Foundation.

“Education is the foundation of change. We are developing a very special programme to create capacity-building and excellence in education,” the Ambassador said.

The embassy donated furniture, computer equipment and books to the school. The event was made festive by the students’ performances of traditional songs and dances.

Haim Katzav, representing McGraw Hill, introduced the keypod system – a unique innovation in the size of a USB that serves as the processing unit and operating system of any new or old computer, bypassing the traditional system and creating a new operating system. “We’re hoping to make a breakthrough in the Philippines to change the lives of communities without access to computers,” Katzav said. McGraw Hill donated keypods and books to the school.

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