26 February 2017 - 1 Adar 5777 - א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ז

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François Curiel honoured on France’s National Day E-mail

François Curiel, Chairman of Christie’s Asia Pacific and a Jewish French national, was awarded the rank of Commandeur of the French Legion of Honour on 14 July, France’s National Day.

An Officier since 2009, Mr Curiel has been promoted to Commandeur for his contribution to his country and his many achievements in the fields of auctioneering, fine art and jewellery.

The Legion of Honour, established in 1802 by Napoleon Bonaparte, is France’s highest order for military and civilian merit. It is divided into three ranks of increasing distinction: Chevalier (Knight), Officier and Commandeur. There are also two additional honours: Grand Officier and Grand Croix. The rank of Commandeur is highly exclusive, with a quota of only 75 to be bestowed between 2015 and 2017. Presently, there are 1,250 Commandeurs, 10,000 Officiers and 113,000 Chevaliers in the world.

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