16 October 2018 - 8 Heshvan 5779 - ח' חשון ה' אלפים תשע"ט
Model’s marriage proposal in Taiwan goes viral E-mail

Bar Zomer, a famous Israeli model and Internet celebrity with 430,000 followers on Instagram, posted a marriage proposal from her boyfriend while she was vacationing at Sun Moon Lake in Taiwan. The lake, known for its tranquil and picturesque scenery, is one of the island’s most famous tourist destinations.

The Instagram post attracted more than 880,000 viewers in just two days, and turned Sun Moon Lake into a trending topic in Israel, according to Taiwan’s Tourism Bureau.

Apparently, the bureau invited her to Taiwan in August in the hope of attracting more tourists from the Middle East. She later asked her boyfriend, Aviv Cohen, who is also a photographer, to go with her.

Later, with the help of the Taiwan Tourism Bureau’s Singapore Office, Cohen secretly planned to propose to Zomer in front of the beautiful scenery of Sun Moon Lake. Zomer was surprised and happily accepted the wedding proposal.

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