8 September 2015 - 24 Elul 5775 - כ"ד אלול ה' אלפים תשע"ה
Israel-Myanmar commemorate 60 years of friendship with book donations E-mail

To commemorate the 60th anniversary of Israel-Myanmar diplomatic relations, Israeli scientist Dr. Gideon Hulata recently donated books and journals to the Aquaculture Learning Centre, Yangon.

The books were sent by Haim Avoiz to the Learning Centre at the Office of the USAID Sustainable Seafood Industry Development Project Office in Yangon. The Learning Centre was opened to the public on 1 June 2015.

The Myanmar Fishery Federation (MFF) is one of the organisations that have been recruiting agriculture trainees from Myanmar for on-the-job training in Israel, in co-operation with the Ramat Negev Desert Agro-Research Center and the Arava International Center for Agriculture Training. Every year, more than 100 students from MFF study at those institutions.

Myanmar Prime Minister U Nu first visited Israel in 1955, and was the first prime minister to make an official visit to the State of Israel. This left a remarkable impact and an unforgettable memory for the people and the State of Israel.

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