20 September 2015 - 7 Tishri 5776 - ז' תשרי ה' אלפים תשע"ו
Contemporary Jewish art on show in Jerusalem E-mail

The 2nd Jerusalem Biennale for Contemporary Jewish Art (24 September to 5 November) will showcase the work of nearly 200 Israeli and international professional artists in 10 exhibitions hosted in seven city-centre venues.

The Tower of David Museum will host the main Biennale 2015 exhibition, Jerusalem.Passages, showcasing five large-scale projects by five leading Israeli and international artists. Following the success of the inaugural Jerusalem Biennale in 2013, Biennale 2015 will continue to explore the places where contemporary art meets the Jewish world of content. Curators and artists with different approaches, who span the continuum of Jewish identity from secular to ultra-Orthodox and include non-Jewish artists, all come together within the Biennale framework to give their own interpretation of contemporary Jewish art.

Six exhibitions are from Jerusalem-based groups and/or curators, including well-known Israeli artists such as, among others, Sigalit Landau, Motti Mizrahi, Dov Abramson, Maya Zack and Ynin Shillo exhibiting alongside Israeli-Anglo artists such as Andi Arnovitz, Ken Goldman and Ruth Schreiber.

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