15 April 2016 - 7 Nisan 5776 - ז' ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ו
Japanese archaeologists renew hunt for biblical city of Anaharath E-mail

An archaeological survey led by researchers from Tenri University in Japan is underway in Israel to locate Anaharath, a city mentioned in the Bible.

Excavation work at Tel Rekhesh is getting into full swing after digging near the site’s central part started last summer. Experts are using radio probes and other high-tech devices.

Tenri University began participating in excavation work in Israel half a century ago. Its archaeological studies at Tel Rekhesh began in 2006 and involve institutions including Rikkyo University.

The joint project has so far discovered structures that may have been a castle’s outer walls and gate, as well as an olive mill. It has also uncovered objects including a mask in clay and a statue of a female divinity.

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