15 April 2016 - 7 Nisan 5776 - ז' ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ו
“Writing with Light” with photographer Ziv Koren E-mail

Israel’s embassy in Myanmar organised an exhibition of photographs by the renowned Israeli photographer Ziv Koren entitled “Writing with Light” at Myanmar Deitta Gallery in Yangon from 19 to 30 January.

The exhibition focused on the importance of light as the main raw material in the art of photography, revealing a less familiar aspect of Koren. His sensitivity to the light source, and the shadows that appear before his eyes, are manifested in this collection of 47 black-andwhite photographs, taken over the last decade in Israel and around the world.

The exhibition documents the life of different countries throughout the continents, which serves as tool that enables us to contemplate and examine human society in the global village in which we live.

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