26 February 2017 - 1 Adar 5777 - א' אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ז
Arts & Culture
Israel participates in South Korean book fair Print E-mail

The Embassy of Israel- Seoul is participating in NAMBOOK-2007, the Nami Island International Children’s Book Festival in South Korea. The festival is taking place from 1 May through 1 July on Nami Island, Chuncheon City.

Israel is hosting a booth filled with Israeli children’s books and educational toys. Seventy-seven countries are participating in the multi-cultural event.

Philippine art exhibit in Tel Aviv E-mail

As part of the continuing programming to celebrate 50 years of close diplomatic ties, the Embassy of the Philippines has coordinated an art exhibit in Tel Aviv.

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Eretz Israel: Birth of a Nation exhibition E-mail

The Embassy of Israel in Bangkok coordinated the display of a photograph exhibition titled Eretz Israel: Birth of a Nation at the National Gallery, in Bangkok, to mark the onset of the celebration of Israel’s 60th Anniversary.  The exhibit will run from 7 June through 29 June.

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