9 September 2015 - 25 Elul 5775 - כ"ה אלול ה' אלפים תשע"ה
Israel’s population up from last year E-mail

Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics has reported that Israel’s population has grown by 2%.

Figures are announced annually on the eve of Yom Ha’ Atzmaut, Israel’s National Day. This year, Israel marked its 67th anniversary, and its population now stands at 8,345,000. When Israel was established in 1948, the population was just 806,000.

Israel’s Jewish population numbers 6,251,000 (74.9%), and there are 1,730,000 Arabs (20.7%) and 364,000 others (Christians, non-Arabs and other religions) (4.4%). Around 75% of Israelis were born in the country, compared with 35% in 1948.

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