9 September 2019 - 10 Elul 5779 - י' אלול ה' אלפים תשע"ט
Chinese enterprise association established in Israel E-mail

Top Chinese companies active in Israel recently launched an organisation to represent them in dealing with local authorities.

The official objective of the organisation, the Chinese Enterprises Association in Israel (CEAI), is “to promote and develop economic and commercial relations between its companies and organisations and government institutions in Israel”.

CEAI president George Guan said: “In addition to tightening relations between CEAI member companies, our goal is to be a bridge between CEAI and various concerns in Israel. We regard commercial relations with Israel as an important longterm partnership.”

An unofficial aim is to combat campaigns being conducted against the growing presence of Chinese companies in Israel in general and in particular infrastructure contracts. Sources close to CEAI explained that its founding is linked to the recent visit by the Chinese vice president to Israel in October.

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