25 February 2017 - 29 Shevat 5777 - כ"ט שבט ה' אלפים תשע"ז
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"March of the Living" - There are no words... E-mail

We walked through the two lines of barbed wire at Auschwitz and, at that moment, there was no air to breathe. It was not the sight and sounds of the place - it was seeing our children walking inside the wire. The air evaporated, the mind screamed - So it was also in Maydenek, in the gas chamber, so small, so diabolically efficient - to see our children there, and to catch a glimpse of the hell on earth that it must have been for parents to be unable to save their children.

March along the railroad tracks used for transports

We had for some years talked about going on the March with our children, we felt a need to bear witness, to be with them in coming to terms with the past and, as importantly, we hoped that their Grandparents would, Please G-d, live to know that their Grandchildren had done the trip.

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