1 October 2015 - 18 Tishri 5776 - י"ח תשרי ה' אלפים תשע"ו
Environmental tech with Jewish spirit in Asia E-mail

The global race is on to further develop clean-tech industries. Pollution has taken its toll and no country is immune from its effects. Each country brings its own specific set of challenges to the Green Revolution but on this one front, our goals are united. Israel, historically a leader in innovation and technology, has risen to the clean-tech challenge in recent years.

Huaiji Hydro Power Project, CLP

The challenges that Israel has overcome in terms of natural resource scarcity has made Israel a natural partner for other nations as they face critical environmental challenges.

The list of Israeli/Jewish companies excelling in green tech is long. Even a search among those companies putting their technology to use across Asia yields a more than impressive number in the areas of renewable energy, electric cars, natural gas, water technology, desalination and waste-management.

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