20 September 2015 - 7 Tishri 5776 - ז' תשרי ה' אלפים תשע"ו
Amos Gilad visits Singapore Print E-mail

In May, Israel’s Ambassador to Singapore Yael Rubinstein hosted Amos Gilad, the former head of the research division of Israel’s military intelligence organisation (Aman) and the current Director of Policy and Political Military Affairs at the Israeli Ministry of Defence, for an open discussion at her residence.

Forty honorary guests from various political research institutions and other offices in Singapore participated in the discussion. Mr Gilad briefed them about the various crises in the Middle East and about Israeli strategies, and invited questions about the future of Israel and the area. He responded to questions about Iran, Syria and religious extremism in the region, and talked about his perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

(Issue July/August 2015)


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