20 September 2015 - 7 Tishri 5776 - ז' תשרי ה' אלפים תשע"ו
Woman arrested in Thailand after bullets found in her bag E-mail

An Israeli woman in her 20s arriving in Thailand on vacation was arrested in July at Bangkok Airport after security officials found 13 bullets for an M-16 rifle in her bag, only five days after she was released from the IDF.

She was questioned at a police station in the airport and was expected to be brought in front of a military judge.

The young woman landed in Bangkok on a layover on her way to Chiang Mai when the bullets were discovered. It is unclear why the bullets were not discovered during the security check at Ben-Gurion Airport.

Israel’s embassy in Bangkok came to the aid of the young Israeli and will try to explain to the Thai authorities that this was an innocent mistake. In recent years, several Israeli citizens have been arrested abroad when bullets they had forgotten after their army service were found in their luggage. India is where this has happened most.

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