27 September 2019 - 27 Elul 5779 - כ"ז אלול ה' אלפים תשע"ט
Dr. Rafael Aharoni honoured Rotarian of the Year E-mail

Dr. Rafael Aharoni, BBS, Chairman of the Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, was recently awarded the top most honor of “The Rotarian of The Year” for his valuable contribution, great leadership and outstanding work.

Mr Aharoni acts as the Assistant Governor of Area 2 of Rotary District 3450 – Hong Kong, Macau, China, Mongolia during its tenure of 2018-2019- and works tirelessly in this unwavering support to Rotary International.

Dr. Aharoni was conferred his award by Immediate Past District Governor Dr. YC Ho on 13 July at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

The Rotary club in Hong Kong was established since 1931, and is dedicated to bringing business and professional leaders together to provide humanitarian services to the community, promote high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Boasting an estimated 1.2 million members worldwide, it is a secular organ isation, one which disregards divisive aspects of race, colour, creed, gender, religion, or political preference. A Mazel Tov on behalf of the wider Jewish community of Hong Kong is in order.

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