5 November 2019 - 7 Heshvan 5780 - ז' חשון ה' אלפים תש"פ
Shavei Israel publishes first Chinese edition of the Bencher E-mail

Shavei Israel has published the first birkon (prayer book)more commonly known as the ‘Bencher’ – in Mandarin Chinese. The bencher includes Shabbat kiddushim, aftermeal blessings, and songs that will aid Chinese-speaking Jewish communities.

The translation to Chinese was made by Shavei’s coordinator for the Kaifeng Jews, Eran Barzilay, with the help of those representatives of the community who underwent the process of formal conversion and successfully made Aliyah to Israel.

The introductions to the bencher were prepared by Shavei Israel’s Chairman and Founder, Michael Freund, and Rabbi Chanoch Avitzedek. They focus on the meaning and importance of keeping the Sabbath.

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