5 November 2019 - 7 Heshvan 5780 - ז' חשון ה' אלפים תש"פ
Indian women’s business delegation visits Israel E-mail

A delegation of 62 female entrepreneurs from India, representing the Ladies Association of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), spent a week in Israel in September.

The federation chose Israel as their destination this year, arranging their programme with the Israeli Embassy in New Delhi and the Israel-Asia Chamber of Commerce.

The delegation spent time touring the area and meeting Israeli industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators.

It was headed by Harjinder Kaur, President of FICCI and founder and CEO of Comvision, a software production company specialising in accessible governance and software solutions for the transport sector.

“We are very proud to host such an important business delegation from India,” Israel’s Ambassador to India, Dr. Ron Malka, said. “This will encourage collaborations between women entrepreneurs and businesswomen of both the countries. I expect more business interactions and opportunities to come in the near future. The people to people connection is the foundation for cooperation in every field, and therefore it is important to have Indians and Israelis come in contact as much as possible.”

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