5 November 2019 - 7 Heshvan 5780 - ז' חשון ה' אלפים תש"פ
David Hertz wins the 2019 Bronfman Prize E-mail

David Hertz, a Jewish social entrepreneur from Brazil, was named the winner of the 2019 Charles Bronfman Prize in September in recognition of his efforts to alleviate global hunger. The award comes with US$100,000 in prize money.

Hertz is the cofounder of Gastromotiva, a Brazilianbased organisation that fights unemployment and social inequality. Part of its innovative framework is the incorporation of cooking classes and nutrition education as tools to “create opportunities for those living on the margins of society.”

The Charles Bronfman Prize, established by the children of the eponymous philanthropist, honours humanitarians under the age 50 “whose innovative work, informed by Jewish values, has significantly improved the world.”

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