25 September 2010 - 17 Tishri 5771 - י"ז תשרי ה' אלפים תשע"א
ZAKA holds first training workshop in Asia Print E-mail

Israel based ZAKA, rescue and recovery humanitarian volunteer organisation, held in June, their first intensive emergency training workshop in Hong Kong.

25 volunteers from the region took part in ZAKA’s International Rescue Unit training workshop in emergency preparedness and medical first response.

In attendance were representatives from the Hong Kong police, fire, civil aid, auxiliary medical,  hospital and correctional services as well as members of the Hong Kong and Singapore Jewish communities.

Mati Goldstein and Dovie Maisel led the training and were joined by Golan Lansberg, a former paratrooper who was an instructor for officers in the IDF Rescue Unit.

Goldstein and Maisel are veteran co-directors of the ZAKA International Rescue Unit with experience in international disasters that include Haiti, Mumbai, the tsunami and Hurricane Katrina. “The graduates of this training workshop will join our expanding global network of volunteers as certified emergency medical first responders. The unit members will have the knowledge and tools to help save lives or participate in rescue and recovery missions as and when required,” said Maisel.

Rafael Aharoni, President, ZAKA Hong Kong, Macau and China said, “The ZAKA International Rescue Unit training workshop, which brings together Jews and non-Jews from the East Asia region in a shared desire to ensure the safety of the community, is a reflection of the excellent relationship between China and Israel.” He Said.  

“I wish to thank the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of Macau, Chui Sai On and all the government departments for their cooperation and participation in this initiative. By raising our levels of preparedness, we are demonstrating our commitment to a better society for all.” Aharoni added.

(Issue July/August 2010)

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