Sixth Hula Valley Birds Festival |
The sixth Hula and Negev Fall Migration Festival, one of the highlights on the international birding calendar, will take place from 20 to 27 November. The combination of great weather, rare and beautiful birds, stunning wildlife and memorable migration moments are enjoyed year after year by those visiting the Hula Valley at this time of year.
The festival offers a full week of birding, based at excellent hotels and led by the finest tour leaders in Israel. As well as providing an opportunity to observe the birds and wildlife of the famous Hula Valley sites, including the Agamon Park and the Hula Nature Reserve, the festival tours take guests to all the major birding sites and species that northern Israel has to offer, including Mount Hermon and the Golan, Bet She’an Valley and the coast.
The last weekend of the festival is held in the Negev desert in the south of Israel, thereby allowing participants to truly explore and enjoy the essence of fall migration in Israel with sightings of rare desert birds such as the MacQueen’s Bustard and the Sandgrouse. The Negev weekend is part of the regular festival programme, at no extra charge.
(Issue Nov 2016)
Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival returns for the 17th time to “Remember” |
The Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival (HJFF) is holding its 17th festival at the Asia Society, Hong Kong Center from 19 to 27 November.
 The thread running through many of this year’s selections is “Remember” – also the title of the opening-night movie. This theme reflects the large number of films that encourage viewers to look back, question and reflect on the Holocaust, the major historical tragedy of the 20th century that still affects our lives today. Many of the films tackle this sensitive and difficult subject from different angles and with new perspectives, and as the number of survivors among us dwindles, these stories remind us of our duty to remember those terrible events, and of our responsibility to ensure that the legacy of those lost is passed onto future generations.
The opening film, Remember, featuring Academy Award winners Christopher Plummer and Martin Landau, is a gripping thriller in which the darkest chapter of the 20th century collides with a contemporary mission of revenge.
Other chilling films that deal with the perpetrators of the Holocaust include The Interrogation, about the trial of Rudolf Hoss, the longest-serving commander of Auschwitz, and The Eichmann Show, which dramatises the events surrounding the televising of the trial of Adolf Eichmann in 1961 in Jerusalem. Set in the same time period as The Eichmann Show but taking place in the US, Experimenter tackles the topic of the Holocaust from a totally different perspective, portraying the life of famed social psychologist Stanley Milgram (Peter Sarsgaard) whose radical behavioural experiments hit a nerve and sparked a public outcry.
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Tourism advertising campaign launched in India |
Israel’s Ministry of Tourism recently launched its first-ever television advertising campaign in India, specifically targeting potential tourists to Israel.
“Breaking into the large Asian market, in particular China and India, is one of the main objectives set by the Tourism Ministry,” Israel’s Tourism Minister Yariv Levin commented. “The experiential campaign has been adapted to the particular characteristics and taste of the Indian market.”
Israel will spend US$1.62 million, three times its normal budget, over a two-month period to promote Israeli tourism, using the slogan, “On most vacations, you take a trip. But in Israel, you take a journey.”
Last year, about 40,000 Indian tourists visited Israel, a 13% jump from 2014. That growth is expected to continue, and Israeli officials see the number reaching 100,000 by 2018.
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